Lydford Parish Council
Parish Councillors work with a sum of money known as the Precept; allocated from local taxation which they are able to spend to further the aims of the community of Lydford parish. The Council’s financial accounts are subject to scrutiny by independent internal audit. Results of audit are required to be published here. Documents detailing receipts and expenditure can be examined by appointment during a period after audit. Physical copies of all of the Council's documents can be obtained by written request to the Clerk. There is a charge for this service (See Publication Scheme 2020, Schedule of Fees)
Latest financial information
Audit 2023-24
Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) Certificate of Exemption; Annual Governance Statement; Accounting Statements
Audit 2022-23
Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR): Certificate of Exemption; Annual Governance Statement; Accounting Statements
Council policies & information
Who we are and what we do
Register of Councillors 2023-2027
What we spend, and how we spend it
(See Audit Reports)
Statement of Internal Control 2021
Priorities and how we're doing
How we make decisions
Policies and procedures
Lists and registers
Services we offer